Profit automation. How to automate your business

How you automate your business so that it generates profit no matter wheather you are at work or on vacation and somewhere else, you are still generating profit

The internet has created new opportunities for many businesses, the opportunities that have made easier for many companies to compete in the global marketplace. 

In average aperson can be exposed to more than 3,000 marketing messages on a daily basis. That is about 24,000 messages a week and 1.2 million a year.

In today’s competitive environment, automation can not be considered as luxury; it’s a requirement for keeping a competitive edge. In fact, the benefits and rewrds of automation are so numerous that you can’t afford to ignore them.

Automate your businesss
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Tips for Effective Automation

The following four tips can be used to guide your decisions on using automation effectively.

Implement 80/20 rule, meaning that 80% of your results are coming from 20% of your efforts. Let everything work while you are not around. The 80/20 Principle: The Secret of Achieving More with Less can be very effective.

1-Set up Funnels

-Customer journey. 

What happens to your customer when he/she first discovers you on your webpage/social media accounts to the point of sale.

Follow you

Check your profile

Signup for something small

Email list

Invite for § 99 service/product 

They are a customer

What 20% of the clients bring 80% of the revenue

What 20% of your efforts bring 80% of your revenue

automate business similar step
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A-Email list


B-Web builder


C-Payment online


3-Outsource /Team

VA like in Philippines




-Document the processes along the way. Show step by step how a certain process worlks taking screenshots. Then store these recordings and processes/How to  dos.

The book: The 80/20 Principle: The Secret of Achieving More with Less can be very effective.

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