1) Narrow down on what you do:
Niche down and focus on one thing. Be specific and don’t be generalist. Start on a small part or specific section of what you love or like doing it at the outset. You should work on it hard and smart as frequently as you can if not every single day to learn about tactics, tools, new insight, trends and techniques to build momentum and be a leading authority in your space. When you build authority, you can branch out and expand on your field. Always keep on learning to become a master in your field. Buy books, join groups having affinity with your field, read articles, etc.
2) Content Marketing:
Set up a platform of your choice. The platform should be the one that gives back the biggest return and you continue to see the results for years to come. Whatever platform you choose, social media channels, traditional media channels or face-to-face platforms, you need to put a ton of quality content that is helpful, informative and entertaining to the people and your community on a daily basis so that you can emphasize assert your presence and relevance as an authority, expert and the one who knows in your industry and field.
3) Keep on learning:
Never stop but always keep on learning as an essential part of building your authority. There will always be some people who are better than you and some are the best. Learn from them the trends, new techniques, tools, best practices and strategies and befriend them and collaborate with them. Be ready to always educate yourself and endeaver to create a culture of education with your team if you have a team and encourage your team and your community to invest in education. That will keep you on the top of the game and top of your industry.
4) Bring into practice what you learn:
Apply and test what your learn to identify what works best for you and what needs to be improved. Repeat what works. Tense and tweak what needs improvement.
5) Love your community:
The community and the audience around you are the people who always support your, share your content, give social proof and buy from you. Keep creating crazy valuable content to build audience. Create value often to have the following. Engage with your audience, help them, reply their questions etc.
It is highly possible that you might be an expert but you don’t know it. Be one step a head of someone and continue staying one step a head. Now I want you to comment below what you are an expert in and how you are going to use these First 5 Secrets to be successful in your field and industry.If you like these tips, please share, comment or like. I would love to read your insights.
NB: Not sure the best way to get started? There are some great Free resources that provide simple steps to hit the ground running. Be successful by both overcoming and defeating your fear of failure by starting A Website Business to help yourself and your community.